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Why you should consider a “Smart Phone”

Are you a “Mobile Warrior?”

7 Tips for the frequent traveler

Mobile Traveler1.  Are you using a “smartphone?  Upgrading your standard cell phone to either an I-Phone, Blackberry or Android will permit you to communicate by e-mail, text message and depending on the type of mobile device, be able to video chat as well on the go.

2.  Will you need to travel with a computer?  If you are involved with a lot of project work that requires you to use word processing, etc., having a light weight laptop will be necessary.  However, if your needs only involve checking your e-mail, accessing your contact and calendar information, and browsing the Internet, you might want to consider a tablet such as the I-Pad. The tablet market has become a popular tool for travelers.  (Check my blog from April 12th on the pros and cons of the I-Pad).

3.  When booking hotels, make sure that they provide Internet access.  Most major hotels offer wireless connectivity.  Some hotels charge extra for Internet use.

4.  While you will find many places such as hotels, coffee shops, Internet cafes, parks and airports offering either paid or free Internet access, more than likely the network is not secured.  Do not enter any private information such as bank passwords, social security numbers, etc. from these locations since your information is on a “public” network.  Starbucks is a great place to get work done, however when accessing the Internet, you are using the same network as the person at the table next to you, much like sharing a wireless connection with someone else at home.

5.  If you are planning to travel abroad, check with your mobile provider (Verizon, AT&T, Sprint, etc.) to determine if your mobile device can be used out of the US and what your charges will be for calling and data services (e-mail, texting, and Internet access).  It might be more cost efficient for you to rent a phone for use in the country you are traveling to.

6.  There are a host of services available to minimize your communication costs when traveling abroad.  Skype is good for calling and video chatting computer to computer (some mobile devices will permit Skype to Skype calls). MAC computers have I-Chat.

7.  Don’t forget your chargers and adapters (and voltage specs) if traveling abroad.

If you have any questions about becoming an efficient “Mobile Warrior,” do not hesitate to contact me.


Global Travelers1.  Check with your mobile phone provider (Verizon, AT&T, Sprint, etc.) to see if your phone will work in the country you are visiting.

2.  Make sure that you tell your provider that you are traveling internationally.  Some offer international data plans (e-mail, Internet access, messenger services).

3.  Some mobile providers are placing limits on “unlimited plans.”  Make sure you understand how you will be billed.

4.  Inquire whether your phone can use a SIM card.   SIM cards are small removable smart cards that are used in many cell phones. These cards are used to store  your mobile phone number and address book contacts.  Not all phones can use SIM cards so contact your service provider.

5.  Since placing and receiving calls on your phone while overseas is expensive, you might want to consider renting a local phone for the country or countries who are visiting.  These phones can be rented in the US before you leave.

Below is a link to an article that appeared in today’s Wall Street Journal with some excellent suggestions on how to save money while abroad.

If you have any questions about how to control your communication costs abroad, do not hesitate to contact me at 917 921-4518 or by e-mail at


I-PadBaby boomers are the wealthiest, best educated and most sophisticated purchasers of services and products.  This generation has substantial disposable resources to spend and invest. Boomers don’t want technology products that are complicated. The I-Pad is the perfect answer to the 50+ age group whose primary interest is in obtaining information, reading books and keeping in touch (e-mail).

The following are the top reasons for this age group to purchase an I-Pad.

1.  Portability – Smaller and lighter than a computer, it can easily be carried in a briefcase or pocketbook.

2.  Larger Screen – Much easier to read.

3.  Ease of Use – One touch away from your favorite news services, stock reports, restaurant reviews, movie schedule, etc.

4.  Long battery life – Significantly longer than a computer

5.  Mobile Internet Access – Ability to browse the Internet from the car, train, beach, etc.

6.  Immediate Start-up – Slide  the  button on top to turn it on for instant access.

7.  Maintenance Free – Made by Apple! Little or no technical issues


Do you have the right tools to operate from home?  Does you technology support your needs? The equipment and services you need for business purposes are different than those used for personal use. Learn how to achieve maximum productivity.


Baby BoomersIf you were born between 1946-1964, you are part of the Baby Boomer generation. Your age bracket (47-65) represents 77.6 million of all Americans and is growing as an overall percentage of our population.

The weakened economy has forced many boomers to re-evaluate their financial situations, and in many cases, their careers.

It is not unusual that many Boomers are faced with one of more of the following situations.

  • They have recently left corporate life, either as a result of downsizing or by choice
  • They are starting a new business
  • They are re-entering the job market after retirement or merely to supplement the family income
  • They are looking to set up a cost efficient home office
  • They are confused by all the new technology that seems to appear on the market almost on a daily basis
  • They simply need to brush up on their basic computer skills

Chances are that if you are transitioning out of corporate life, there was always a technology support group available a phone call away.  On your own, finding the right resource to replace that support can be quite challenging.

As a former corporate executive, I understand your needs.  My clients include many boomers faced with similar concerns regarding their technology needs.  If you are facing any of the issues listed above, of have any other technology issues that you would like to discuss, give me a call at 917 921-4518 or e-mail me at


QR codes are changing the way consumers select services and products




Does it take forever to access the Internet?  How long does it take to bring up a website?

Sick computerBefore you run out and buy a new computer, the problem might not be  your computer but your Internet Service Provider (Time Warner, Cablevision, Verizon, etc)  The first thing you should do is go to to test whether your Internet provider Provider is providing you with adequate service.  When you get to the site, click on “Start Test.”  When completed, you will see Download and Upload speeds.

The Download speed should be at least 7 mps and the Upload speed should be at least 0.7 mps. If you are performing the tests from a wireless computer, the results could be less.  In any case, if your results are lower, one of the following might be happening:

1.  You might have a defective modem (or router if you are using wireless)

2.  The signal from your Internet Service Provider to your location might be weak.

3.  If your wireless computer is far from your router, you might need a signal booster.

In the case of points 1 and 2, contact your service provider and they can run some tests from their offices.

A weak signal will have an impact on any computer, Desktop or Laptop, old or new, PC or MAC.  If the speed test demonstrates an adequate rate (or if it is corrected by your Internet Service Provider), then the problem could be the computer. If this is the case, a maintenance check is the next step.

If you have any questions about this or any other technology issues, you can reach me at


verizon-fios-logoWikipedia describes Fios as a bundled home communications service, (Internet, telephone and TV) operating over a fiber-optic  communications network. This means that you are using one dedicated line into your home or apartment.  In the case of an apartment, you are no longer sharing cable with the rest of the tenants, therefore dealing with varying speeds depending on how many people are watching TV or accessing the Internet at the same time.  In the greater NYC  area, Verizon is the service provider offering a Fios package.

Is the service for you?  As always, there is not a standard answer and it depends on your specific needs.  Chances are that unless you are  currently using a bundled package from your cable company (Time Warner, RCN, etc), you probably have separate providers for your telephone, TV and Internet.

Before making a decision, keep in mind that Verizon Fios is not available in all areas.  The first step is to determine what you are spending for your current services (Internet, TV and Telephone).  I recently switched from my local cable company to Verizon Fios and was able to reduce my bill for all three services by nearly 50%.  I was able to keep my existing phone number, increase the number of premier TV channels and enhance my Internet access speed substantially.

As indicated above, while my result is not uncommon, the decision whether or not to switch will be based on availability, your current usage and cost.

If you are interested in finding out more about fiber optics and if this program is right for you, give me a call (917 921-4518) or send an e-mail to

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