
All Posts Tagged Tag: ‘setting up a home office’


Location, Location, Location

Selecting the right location for your home office is critical.  Chances are that you already use a computer at home and have set up an area for the computer, printer, etc.  However, using a computer for personal use is substantially different from using it for business purposes.  A business office requires a private environment, with no traffic and noise.  While I realize that many of you have space limitations, particularly those of us that live in an apartment, you need to avoid an area that is a walk through, has a dishwasher running and other diversions.  Pick a bedroom, if necessary, and close the door while you are working.

Once you have decided on a location, be sure that you have Internet access.  Most of you probably have a wireless network at home.  If this is the case, there is no limit on how many computers can access the Internet through the network.  You don’t need a separate account with an additional modem and router. The main issue is whether you can obtain a strong signal in your designated work area.  The range of a wireless network is several hundred feet.  However, thick walls and floors such as those that exist in prewar (World War 2) structures will encounter “dead areas.”  If this is the case, boosters can be installed to carry the signal to your office area.

Now that you have selected a nice quiet, remote area to work, desk location needs to be addressed.  You don’t want to face a window or have it in back of you.  The glare from the outside will make it very difficult to see the monitor.  Although it would be nice to be able to view the park and the birds, make sure you are either facing a wall or have it behind you. Do not take this advice lightly!! An acquaintance of mine told me that she had her desk in front of a window with a marvelous view for years. Now her eyesight has deteriorated.  Make sure you avoid excessive light and glare.



Looking to start a new business?  Are you in the job market?

Job searchChances are that if you previously worked for a company and had an assistant, many tasks were delegated and support was just a phone call away.  Whether you are starting a new venture or looking for employment, your success will depend on your basic computer skills and having a technology plan that supports your efforts.

The majority of Baby Boomers did not start their professional careers in the digital world.  The way we communicate and acquire information has changed dramatically.  Social networks such as LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter are now part of our personal and business lives.  Cell phones have made us more mobile and reachable everywhere.  Everyone uses Google to find people, places and things.

Set some time aside and take an inventory of your basic technology skills.  Are you able to retrieve and save e-mail attachments, search through past e-mails?  Are you able to type and format documents?  Are you able to locate your documents?  Are you able to make educated decisions about your equipment?  Do you know how to use a smartphone?  The list is endless.

Individuals and companies that have not embraced technology will find it very difficult to compete in today’s global and wired world.

How to Buy A Printer

Picking the right printer can be tough, with so many variations in features, and individual printers with almost any possible combination of those variations available.

Before you run out to the store (or compare prices online), sit down and determine your needs. At that point, you will be in a better position to figure out what type of printer and what features match your needs.

Click below to read a roundup of the type of printers in the market. Good reading before making a purchase.

How to Buy A Printer – How to Buy a Printer | Roundup |

Is Microsoft’s Windows 8 for You?

The popularity of tablets, such as Apple’s iPad, has had a significant impact on the sales of personal computers. However, despite the surge in tablet sales, businesses still and will continue to rely on basic computers.

While I own a number of Apple products such as an iMac, iPhone, and iPad, I rely on a Windows based machine for my business. Several weeks ago, I bought a new computer with the new Windows 8 operating system, and after a period of getting used to the changes, have found its performance to be a significant upgrade over their previous operating systems.

Microsoft has finally addressed the need for greater integration with mobile devices.The introduction of their Suface tablet will surely have an impact during the coming months as many manufactures will be introducing tablets with the new Microsoft operating system.

Is Windows 8 for you?. As I have stated it the past, it depends on your specific needs.

This past week, my guest on my BlogTalkRadio program, “Keeping Technology Simple,” was Carl Mazzanti, the CEO of e-Mazzanti Technologies, and a Microsoft Partner of the Year in 2012. His company is one of the premier IT consulting services for businesses ranging from home office and retail clients to multinational corporations throughout the New York metropolitan area and numerous international locations. On the program, Carl discussed the importance of the launch of Windows 8, particularly to his corporate clients, and the impact it will have in the coming months.

Carl first appeared on the program shortly after the launch of Windows 8, and the number of people that have been listening to the podcast continues to grow each week. The reaction to last week’s program has also been extraordinary.

If you missed the program, you can access it anytime by clicking on the link below.

Listen to internet radio with Jim Blue on Blog Talk Radio


– Do you have the right equipment to support your business and personal needs?

– Confused by all the new gadgets being introduced almost on a daily basis?

– Do you know what type of smartphone (iPhone, Android, blackberry) is right for you?

– Do you understand the new data plans that have been introduced by your wireless service provider (Verizon, AT&T, Sprint, etc.)?

– Are you or someone you know going through career transition and need help determining their technology needs?

– Need to set up a home office?

These are just a few topics that I discuss on my weekly radio program.  While the shows are aired every Thursday at 4:30 PM, you can click on the link below to access the archives of all past programs at anytime.  The topics as well as the names of guest speakers are listed for each show.

If you have any questions about any of the topics discussed, please contact me at 917 921-4518 or by e-mail at for a FREE telephone consultation.  Feel free to visit my website, for more information about my services.

To hear the latest program, click on the play button (>) below. To access my program site and the archives, click on my name (Jim Blue).


How long have you been thinking about a career change? Is 2012 the year you will finally act and follow your gut? Whether you are stuck in an unrewarding job or just burned out, you are not alone.

Below is a link to an article that appeared in the Wall Street Journal containing portraits of several people who found a “second act” rewarding.

Do you need to brush up on your basic computer skills, require help choosing the right computer or any other technology issues, do not hesitate to contact me at 917 921-4518 or by e-mail at



LaptopsIn his weekly WSJ column today, Walter Mossberg offers  his annual Guide for PC Buyers.

The underlying message in his column is that although there are some new innovations to consider, such as the growing importance of ultrabooks and tablets, waiting until 2012 makes the most sense unless you absolutely need to make a purchase.  There will be a new version of the Windows operating system, Windows 8,  as well as some rumored changes at Apple as well.

Selecting the right computer can be a very daunting experience but there are a number of specifications that are important.  Take a look at Mossberg’s Guide and check out his recommendations.

If you have any questions about choosing the right computer or any other technology issues, do not hesitate to contact me at 917 921-4518 or by e-mail at If you are in career transition, feel free to click here to receive my free white paper on Technology Tips on setting up a home office and becoming a true road warrior.


One of the most important contributions of the Internet has been the ability of people to maintain lines of communication with family, friends and business associates around the world.  While e-mail, Facebook and other social media tools have brought people together, the ability to have  face-to-face contact regardless of location is the consummate means of communication.

Here are some of the reasons why Skype has become an indispensable program to people that, in many instances, are still “technology challenged.”

1.  For parents and grandparents – The ability to keep in touch with college students.  In many instances, they may be across the country or abroad.  Face to face contact is assuring to both students and family members.  Meeting roommates and friends is a favorite activity.

2.  Senior Citizens – Being able to video chat with family and friends that may not be close by.  This is most effective for seniors that are unable meet personally due to illness, inclement weather or geographic limitations.

3.  Business People – Great way to communicate with customers, clients and other business associates.  The ability to reduce travel expenses.

4.  Travelers – Whether for personal or business purposes, the ability to communicate with your home of business from anywhere in the world where you have an Internet connection.

5.  Job Seekers – The ability to communicate face-to-face with recruiters regardless of geographic location.

6.  Students and Residents from Abroad – Keeping in touch with family and friends in overseas locations.

7.  Group Chat – Permits people in different locations to participate in the communication.

8.  Tech Support – Problems with any of your technology?  Have a face-to-face conversation with your tech support team and be able to visually demonstrate some of your issues.

9.  The Skype program can be downloaded to Window and MAC computers as well as blackberries, iPhones and Android  smartphones with built-in wi-fi.

10.  And most importantly, Skype to Skype calls whether it be between computers or smartphones with wi-fi Internet connections are FREE!!

If you have any questions about Skype or any other technology issues, please do not hesitate to contact me at 917 921-4518 or by e-mail at


The world of technology changes constantly.  Quite a bit has happened during the past few months, and now that the summer is over, here are some important things to consider to make sure your technology supports your needs:

1.  When’s the last time your computer had a checkup?  Is it running slowly?  Is your anti-virus program up to date?

2.  Are you considering an upgrade?  Are you undecided on what type of computer to purchase – Windows or MAC?  Should you be considering a tablet (iPad, etc.)?

3.  Is your cell phone eligible for an upgrade?  Do you have a smartphone (blackberry, iphone, android) for the road?  Are you sure you are using the best provider (Verizon, AT&T, Sprint, etc.) for your needs?

If you have any questions about these or any other technology issues, you can contact me at 917 921-4518 or by e-mail at

If you have not already done so, you may download a copy of my FREE white paper on technology tips for setting up a home office and operating in the mobile world by clicking HERE or by going to my website at


7 Questions You Should Be Asking Yourself

Social Media icon1.  Are you using social media for both personal and business purposes?

2.  Do you have a social media strategy for your business?

2.  Have you integrated social media into your marketing plan?

3.  If you are one of the 700 million plus Facebook users, have you set up a separate business page?

4.  What sites are you using: Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, Tumblr, Foursqure, etc.?

5.  Are you  interacting with your contacts and groups on a regular basis?

6.  Are you using sites such as Google Analytics to evaluate your social media strategy?

7. Are you able to manage your social media program or do you need to hire a “cyber ghost assistant” in order to devote time to running your business?

Remember, a successful social media program is one that has been customized to fit your specific needs.  Make sure your goals are clear before jumping into the social media waters.

If you would like to discuss how to set up a social media plan,  do not hesitate to contact me by phone at (917) 921-4518 or by e-mail at

In addition,  click HERE to join my mailing list and receive my FREE whitepaper on setting up a home office and becoming a true road warrior.

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