What You Need to Know About Microsoft’s Window 8
Are you in the market for a new computer? Should you be upgrading to Microsoft’s new Windows 8 operating system?
Microsoft has made a major commitment with its new operating system. The major shift in technology to mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets has resulted in a slowdown in the purchasing of traditional desktop computers.
Microsoft has finally decided to grab market share from leaders such as Apple, Google, and Amazon with the introduction of an operating system for both desktop and tablets.
Should Microsoft be part of your future? Click below and listen to Jim Blue and Carl Mazzanti, a Microsoft Partner of the Year, talk about what you need to know before making a decision.
If you want to discuss whether or not Windows 8 is right for you, do not hesitate to contact me directly at 917 921-4518 or by e-mail at jblue@bluetutor.com
Is It Time For You to Get a Tablet?
Apple introduced the mini iPad yesterday as the tablet wars heat up. Sales of tablets worldwide, with displays in the 7-inch range, are expected to double this year to 34 million units, and to double again in 2013, to 67 million units, according to IHS as reported in the Wall Street Journal.
So much to choose from: Amazon’s Kindles, Barnes and Noble Nooks, Google’s Nexus 7, etc. and more to come in the weeks and months ahead.
Which one is right for you and what are the differences? As I have indicated many times in the past, it depends on your needs, preferences, comfort level with the device, and budget.
The Wall Street Journal offers a price and feature comparison of the most popular tablets.
According to a recent report in CNNMoney, PC sales will decline in 2012 for the first time since 2011. This is in part to the explosive growth of the tablet market as detailed above.
Many of my clients who have never used a computer have embraced tablets for simple web browsing, e-mail, reading, shopping and viewing videos and pictures, to name a view.
IBM reports that by 2013, there will be more mobile devices than people in the world. Isn’t it time you entered the Mobile World?
If you have any questions about tablets, or any other technology issues, please do not hesitate to contact me at 917 921-4518 of by e-mail at jblue@bluetutor.com. You can also access my BlogTalkRadioShow by clicking on the link below.
Does Your iPhone Battery Need A Boost?
Are you scrambling to find an outlet to recharge your iPhone by mid-afternoon? Well, Mophie is the answer to your power outage. Mophie is an ultra-thin case that houses a rechargeable battery that virtually doubles the battery time and serves as a protective case for your phone. Although is adds width and weight to the phone, the difference for anyone using a simple protective case is not that great.
I’ve been using the mophie charger for several weeks and find that it is no longer necessary to charge the battery during the day.
To find out more about Mophie, you can visit their website at www.mophie.com to determine which of their products fits your iPhone model.
If you have any questions about Mophie or any other technology issues, please do not hesitate to contact me at 917 921-4518 or by e-mail, at jblue@bluetutor.com. In addition, you may access my BlogTalkRadio program “Keeping Technology Simple” by clicking on the link below. On the program, I discuss the latest technology with experts in the field each week.
What is Viber?
Viber is a free application for calling and texting other Viber users who have also downloaded and installed the app on their mobile phones. It works on iPhones, Androids and Blackberries. The voice quality is excellent as long as you have Internet access.
Why use Viber?
- No registration required
- Instantly integrates with your contact list
- Excellent for making phone calls and texting globally, country to country
- No need to be signed into an account – phone will ring automatically
- Free when calling from a Wi-Fi area.
- Available through a 3G/4G data network (calls use your data plan)
Excellent app for people who are traveling overseas who need to maintain contact with other Viber users in other countries.
If you have any questions about Viber or any other technology subjects, my phone number is 917 921 4518 or e-mail me at jblue@bluetutor.com. Please visit my website, www.bluetutor.com to register for my updates and special offers.
Tune in to my BlogTalkRadio Show to hear all about the relevant technology news of the day.
As a parent, do you have the basic computer skills to maintain contact with your college student? Does your technology support your efforts, and do you have the most cost efficient systems in place?
The following are some points that you should be thinking about before the move-in date:
– Will you need to upgrade either your equipment or services?
– How do you determine your child’s equipment needs while in college?
– Does the cell phone provider that you use at home (Verizon, AT&T, Sprint, etc.) have a strong network at your child’s school?
– What can you do to keep your communication costs down?
– What are the most cost efficient ways to stay in communication with your child in college?
– How do you keep in contact with your child who is studying abroad without incurring large telephone charges?
– Has your child’s school granted you online access to key school resources?
– Does your child know how to reach you 24/7?
The chances are that your child may be more up-to-date on the latest technology than you. It is important that you discuss a strategy to communicate in a cost efficient manner. If your child is studying thousands of miles away, or perhaps in any country, you do not want to incur telephone charges that approach the cost of tuition!
Most universities no longer provide phones in their dorms. The use of cell phones and other mobile technology tools has significantly enhanced our ability to maintain our relationships with our children in college. Are you prepared?
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The Internet has changed the rules for traveling. Gone are the days when keeping in touch from abroad was both a challenge and expensive. More college aged children are spending summers traveling and taking advantage of semester abroad programs. The following are some of the things parents and students must know before leaving home:
– What is the Internet situation where the student will be living?
– Does he/she have an International mobile phone?
– Do you and your child have a plan to reach each other in an emergency?
– Are both of you aware of the differences between phone and data services, domestically and overseas?
– Have you considered whether or not your child should rent a phone while traveling?
– Are you familiar with the rules surrounding Internet services abroad such as Skype, iChat, e-mail, and accessing the web?
A couple of years ago, my daughter spent 4 months in Spain. Despite daily phone calls to and from the United States, my total phone bill for the time she was away was under $200. If you need assistance understanding the rules of international travel and would like to know how our communication costs were kept in line, give me a call at 917 921-4518 or e-mail me at jblue@bluetutor.com
We are all spending more and more time on the road, whether for business or pleasure. The operative word now is “Mobile.” Are you ready? To be a true “road warrior,” you must be able to:
– Select a mobile device (iPhone, Android, Blackberry, iPad, etc.) based on your needs.
– Choose the right provider (Verizon. AT&T, Sprint, etc.)
– Understand the differences between “data” and phone plans.
– Understand the rules for accessing the internet while traveling.
– Use mobile apps for travel sites (hotels, flights, etc.) as well as information such as restaurants, weather, news, movies, online banking, stocks, etc.
– Control your telephone costs.
– Manage your e-mails.
– Text messaging.
– Access your contacts.
– Maintain your calendar.
– Set up reminders.
– Access your critical files.
– Store important personal information such as medications, emergency contacts, passwords, etc.
– Watch movies.
According to the most recent report issued by Ericsson, the number of worldwide mobile subscribers in 2011 was 6 billion. Within the next five years, the number will grow to close to 9 billion.
The population of the United states is 315 million. There are over 325 million cell phones in use in the US. Smartphones (iPhones, Androids, Blackberries, etc) now represent over 50% of all mobile phone sales.
I can make you a true “road warrior.” To set up a free consultation, I can be reached by phone at 917-921-4518 or by e-mail at jblue@bluetutor.com.