
Author Archive for: ‘admin’

Still undecided whether or not to get a tablet?

Tablets have taken over the market.  Check out Mary Meeker’s Annual Internet Trends Report.

As for the decrease in PC and laptop sales, Mary Meeker, speaking at the D11 conference this week, called this a “stunning slide,” as it depicts the steep growth of tablets versus previous slow builds.


5 G-Mail Features of Interest

Whether you’re sorting through hundreds of work emails a day or using the service to keep in touch with friends and family, keeping up to date on its latest features can help you get the most out of it.

If you are not  g-mail user, you might want to consider switching or setting up a second e-mail account to separate your personal and business correspondence.

To read this article in full or to leave a comment, click below

via Yahoo and PCWorld

Why you should consider the Cloud based version of Microsoft Office

Want to use Microsoft Office on the Road?

Are you spending more time out of your home or office?  Would you like to be able to work on your documents from your mobile devices?

BY EDWARD MENDELSON. “The title above says Microsoft Office 365 Home Premium$94.99 at SoftwareSpeedy, which is Microsoft’s name for one of its many varieties of Office 2013—the subscription-based variety that you download from the cloud and use on your disk in exactly the same way youve used earlier versions of Office. The difference is that the new Office is designed to make it as easy to store documents in the cloud as it is on your disk, and Microsoft is pushing the idea that with Office 365, you can now edit Office documents anywhere—on any Windows-based desktop or tablet, on a Windows phone, in a Web browser, and even on your Mac, because your Office 365 subscription lets you have Office installed on five devices at any one time. This means you get Office 2013 on your Windows machines and Office 2011 for the Mac on your OS X machines. Office 2013 is an impressive upgrade to the worlds most powerful office application suite, with new features so smoothly built in that it requires almost no new learning or training. Office 365 is the best argument Ive seen for moving documents into the cloud without any compromise in features and flexibility compared to desktop-only applications”.

via Microsoft Office 365 Home Premium Review & Rating |

Best Idea to Save on Mobile Data Plans

Shouldn’t content prividers have to pay to increase their viewership instead of penalizing consumers who run the risk of exceeding their data limits by streaming their content?

ESPN eyes subsidizing wireless plans. ESPN, the cable sports channel majority-owned by Walt Disney Co., has had discussions with at least one major U.S. carrier to subsidize wireless connectivity on behalf of its users, reports the WSJ. Under one scenario, the company would pay a carrier to guarantee that people viewing ESPN mobile content wouldn’t have that usage counted toward their monthly data caps. The talks come as Americans are watching more video delivered via mobile phone than ever before. Users in the fourth quarter were averaging five hours and 23 minutes of usage per person per month, according to Nielsen.

Courtesy of the Wall Street Journal.

How about it YouTube, Netflix, etc?


Looking to Buy a New Laptop?

**Maybe You Should Wait**

Spring is here and Walter Mossberg, in his Wall Street Journal column this week, published his latest Laptop Guide.  What type of laptop should you consider?  Mac or Windows? A touchscreen, a convertible, a detachable? Is it time to consider a tablet?

Recent statistics show a massive drop in laptop sales. In his article, Walter Mossberg discusses the reasons behind the drop in sales, and why you should consider waiting until the Fall, if possible.  Both Microsoft and Apple will be introducing a number of enhancements in the next few months.

If you must buy now, you should review PC Magazine’s list of “The Top Best Laptops.”  As I have indicated in previous blogs, you should consider weight, screen size, and your comfort level with the keyboard before making a purchase.

However, people are holding onto their computers longer. if your decision to purchase now is based on performance (speed) or age, perhaps all it needs is a maintenance check.

When is the last time your computer had a maintenance check? If you need some advice before investing in a new computer, give me a call at 917 921-4518 or e-mail me at

Why are sales of traditional computers down?

According to many sources, including an article in last week’s Wall Street Journal, sales of personal computers, both desktops and laptops, fell nearly 14% during the first quarter of this year. Hardest hit by declining sales were Microsoft and Hewlett Packard. This is the fourth consecutive quarter of year-over-year declines in shipments for personal computers,  Here are some of the reasons for the decline:

1.  Consumers are migrating towards tablets which is having an impact on the sales of smaller laptops.

2.  In this tight economy, consumers are holding on to their equipment longer.

3.  The introduction of Microsoft’s Windows 8, which consumers have found confusing, has been a disappointment.

4.  The new mobile world has resulted in consumers spending money on smartphones (Apple’s iPhones, Google’s Android, Rim’s Blackberry) and tablet’s (Apple’s iPad, etc.)

Gartner, a leading research firm, reports that “Traditional PC Market Predicted to Decline 7.6 Percent as Change in Consumers’ Behavior Drives Transition to Tablets and Ultramobiles”.

Is your computer running slow? You might not need to run out and buy a new one. When’s the last time you had a maintenance checkup?  If you want to preserve the life of your computer, click on the logo below and check out my BlogTalkRadio program, where my guest and I offer tips on how to prolong the life of our computer.


Listen to internet radio with Jim Blue on Blog Talk Radio

The Mobile World is Now – Are You Prepared?

Over 700 million smartphones (Apple’s iPhone, Google’s Android, RIM’s Blackberry, etc.) were shipped globally in 2012, according to Strategy Analytics. In an article in yesterday’s Wall Street Journal,  major companies, such as  Facebook, Google, Apple, and Amazon are all competing for a share of the global market. If you already own a smartphone or tablet (Apple’s iPad, Samsung’s Galaxy, Microsoft’s Surface, etc.), you are probably familiar with the world of apps, which is an abbreviation for application, a piece of software which is run on your phone and tablet.

How important is it for you to be a true “road warrior?”  Well, the same article reveals that sales of smartphones were nearly double that of the traditional PC last year. Within the next two years, more people will be accessing the Internet through a mobile device than a computer.

If you find you are on the wrong side of the “Great Digital Divide,” and want to learn all about the mobile world, my e-book (pictured below) contains many useful tips. You can order it directly from Amazon by clicking on the image below.



Tech Tips For Your Home Office

Do you have the most cost efficient home office? Are you taking advantage of the many web based services that can substantially reduce your communication costs? How about a backup, maintenance, and disaster plan?

With more people working from home, it’s important to make sure that your technology supports your efforts. Here are things you need to know about working at home.

– You must have a private area that you can call your own. Do not operate on the kitchen table, play area, or living room. Make sure there are no distractions such as the family TV and dishwasher.

– There is no need for a separate Internet access account. Your modem and router can be used for both personal and business use simultaneously.

– Make sure that your signal strength from your wireless network is strong in the area that you will be working. If not, it is possible to extend the range of your wireless signal.

– If you don’t already have one, get your own computer. State of the art windows based computers are now in the $450-$500 range. Mac computers start at $999.

– Invest in an all-in-one wireless printer. It’s possible for multiple computers to print to one printer.

– All windows based computer on your network must have an anti-virus program installed. I also recommend you download a program such as to minimize the risk of having malicious software from entering your computer. At this time, these safeguards are not required for Mac computers.

– You should have a separate e-mail account for business and personal use.

– Use your cell phone as your business line. No need to pay for a separate business phone at home.

– Make sure that you understand how to use Skype. If you are in career transition and looking for a job, recruiters and employers are using it for interviewing purposes instead of flying you to their locations.

– Learn about cloud Computing. Chances are you are spending time out of your office and would love to be able to access your files from the road with either your smartphone or tablet.

– Do you have a backup and disaster strategy? Are your files backed up on an external hard drive or in The Cloud?

– Do you have someone you can call for tech support and maintenance?

If you need help with any of the points outlined above, feel free to contact me for a consultation. In addition, you  can access my radio program “Working From Home,” by clicking on the link below.

Listen to internet radio with Jim Blue on Blog Talk Radio

Why Boomers and Seniors are Embracing Technology

Book-Cover-for-Boomersweb1Contrary to common belief, Baby Boomers, born between 1946-1964, as well as seniors are embracing technology.  As a technology adviser and trainer, the one expression I hear more than any other is “Technology helps me live a fuller life.”  As long as it is kept simple, they are always looking for technology to help them discover new ways to enhance their lives.  Below is a list of some of their favorite pastimes.

1.  Video conferencing – Whether it’s Skype or I-Chat (on Macs), keeping up with parents, children and grandchildren has been the biggest incentive for elders to embrace technology.  Weekly video visits has strengthened ties between generations.  How about some of your friends in different continents?  And for FREE!

2.  Sharing photos and videos – Can’t attend a graduation, wedding, or birth of a new grandchild?  These precious memories can be sent to you as the event is occurring.

3.  Want to contact someone who is not available by phone?  Text messages are received instantaneously.  All you need is your cell phone.

4.   Social networking sites have permitted boomers and seniors to reconnect with long lost acquaintances.  Signing up for Facebook will insure that you will be up to date with your grandchildrens’ activities and see the latest pictures.

5.  Eyesight failing?  Electronic reading devices (kindles, iPads, etc,) will let you enlarge print and to listen to the audio of your favorite books, magazines, and newspapers.

6.  Want to watch Charlie Rose anytime?  Visit his website for past shows.

7.  Looking for a new job or volunteer work?  Instead of wading through the classified, try searching online.

8.  Widows and widowers are flocking to online dating services.  Gone are the days when the only way you could meet someone was at a bar, social function, or through an introduction.

9.  No need to stand on line at the bank.  Elders prefer online banking to pay bills and check balances.

10. Tracking your portfolio – No need to call your broker. All your financial information is available online.

The list is endless.  However, whether it is researching exotic travel locations, looking to buy a new car, checking movie reviews and times, seniors and boomers have more spending power than any other generation and are more than willing to spend it on new technology as long as it is simple, requiring little maintenance.

Click below to listen to my BlogTalkRadio program on What Boomers and Seniors Need to Know.

Listen to internet radio with Jim Blue on Blog Talk Radio

8 Reasons Why It’s Time to Get a Tablet

Tablets have received more attention in the past year than any other technology product.  Their popularity has been so great that many traditional computer manufacturers are scrambling to adjust to this change in demand.

Why are tablets so popular? Here are just some of the main reasons.

1.  Portability – Smaller and lighter than a laptop

2.  Ease of Use – One touch away from your favorite news services, stock reports, restaurant reviews, movie schedule, etc.

3.  Immediate Start-up – Much faster than waiting for your computer to “load up.”

4.  Video chatting – Keeping in touch with family, friends, and business associates.

5.   Reading books

6.   Online media – Music, movies, and TV

7.   Maintenance free – Tablets don’t crash

8.   Affordability – Less expensive than most laptops


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