

Baby Boomers are not  Luddites!

Baby Boomers in action1.  Baby Boomers number 77 million, over 25% of the US population.

2.  Baby Boomers are the wealthiest, best educated and most sophisticated purchasers of services and products.

3.  By 2030, there will be twice as many people over age 65 as now.  Companies that don’t make their products and services relevant to older consumers will have a difficult time.

4.  The latest research indicates that Boomers and Seniors are expected to outspend younger adults by $1 trillion this year.

5.  The latest statistics indicate that 41% of Boomers regularly visit social networking sites such as Facebook and LinkedIn, and 61% visit websites that offer streaming or downloadable videos.

5. A recent article in the NY Times reported that Boomers show a great deal of interest in purchasing consumer electronics – more than any other age group.

6.  There is a surging number of people starting businesses later in life (baby boomers and seniors).  They will rely heavily on technology and will need to brush up on their basic computer skills.

7.  Boomers embrace technology when researching travel, products and services.

8.  With families spread out all over the world, they will rely heavily on e-mail, social media and video conference to keep in touch.

9.  Boomers don’t want technology products that are complicated and cluttered with excessive features.

10. Remember, Boomers are not just interested in issues such as health care and senior living facilities.  They spend more on traveling, new cars and computers than any other generation.