
Do You Need Tech Help?

The phone rang indicating an unknown number. As is my practice, I ignored the call. If it was important, the caller would most likely leave a voicemail message. Indeed, there was a message.

Upon listening to the message, I realized it was yet another similar request starting with, “I got your name from ________ , who indicated that you could help me with my computer, mobile phone, Internet, etc.”

My Program

Before taking on a new client, it is important to determine in advance whether or not I can help them. The following is the process I follow:

–          Return the phone call and discuss the client’s needs. If I could not help them, I didn’t want to waste their time or money.

–           If we jointly determine to move forward, before setting up a meeting, I discuss my fees and ask them to compose a list of topics they are interested in addressing.

–          At our first meeting, we discuss their needs and set priorities.

–          I evaluate if their existing equipment supports their needs. Perhaps simple upgrades/maintenance is necessary. If not, I recommend and assist in ordering and installing a new computer, mobile phone, etc.

Once we are ready to tackle the prioritized list of projects, we discuss my rules:

–          Initially, each meeting lasts only one hour. I have found my clients tend to feel overloaded after an hour.

–          Only one topic will be discussed per session.

–          The client should have a separate notebook and take their own notes.

–          Once I have demonstrated a task, its up to the the client to take over and practice with my supervision.

–          If follow-up meetings are scheduled, we first review the work of the previous meeting to make sure that there are no questions before proceeding with a new task.

–          I indicate that I am available via phone or e-mail to answer questions between meetings at no charge.

I do not prepare notes or work with a standard list of recommended equipment. I often meet many people in the course of a day and personalize their hardware and software to fit their needs.