
All Posts Tagged Tag: ‘Windows8’

Why you might want to keep your old computer

In the past, many people elected to buy a new computer every time a new operating system was introduced.  New operating systems used to mean many enhanced features and bells and whistles.  Recent surveys indicate that Microsoft’s newest launch, Windows 8, has not been received with the same enthusiasm and success as in the past.

Why? Check out the article below from today’s CIO section of the Wall Street Journal.

Windows 8 is failing to beat older Windows platforms. NetMarketshare reports that Windows 8 is the fourth-most popular operating system, behind Windows 7, Windows XP and Windows Vista. Given Windows 8′s “dismal performance,” ReadWrite’s Brian Proffitt wonders if blame rests on the software itself, or just the lack of demand. Gmail and social networks such as Facebook have played a role in disrupting the software cycle, he opines. And feature saturation, especially in office suites, may give users pause for an OS update. “Given such a situation,” he writes, “Windows 8 may have really never stood a chance for massive blockbuster release numbers. The market is too crowded with, ironically, other Windows installs that are doing the jobs they need to do well enough.”

People are holding on to their computers longer than in the past.  Computer running slow? Perhaps all you need is a maintenance check. Changes are that you have a regular checkup and schedule periodic maintenance for your car.  Computers need a checkup as well.  If you want to find out how to increase the life of your computer, give us a call at 917 921-4518 or e-mail me at


Is Microsoft’s Windows 8 for You?

The popularity of tablets, such as Apple’s iPad, has had a significant impact on the sales of personal computers. However, despite the surge in tablet sales, businesses still and will continue to rely on basic computers.

While I own a number of Apple products such as an iMac, iPhone, and iPad, I rely on a Windows based machine for my business. Several weeks ago, I bought a new computer with the new Windows 8 operating system, and after a period of getting used to the changes, have found its performance to be a significant upgrade over their previous operating systems.

Microsoft has finally addressed the need for greater integration with mobile devices.The introduction of their Suface tablet will surely have an impact during the coming months as many manufactures will be introducing tablets with the new Microsoft operating system.

Is Windows 8 for you?. As I have stated it the past, it depends on your specific needs.

This past week, my guest on my BlogTalkRadio program, “Keeping Technology Simple,” was Carl Mazzanti, the CEO of e-Mazzanti Technologies, and a Microsoft Partner of the Year in 2012. His company is one of the premier IT consulting services for businesses ranging from home office and retail clients to multinational corporations throughout the New York metropolitan area and numerous international locations. On the program, Carl discussed the importance of the launch of Windows 8, particularly to his corporate clients, and the impact it will have in the coming months.

Carl first appeared on the program shortly after the launch of Windows 8, and the number of people that have been listening to the podcast continues to grow each week. The reaction to last week’s program has also been extraordinary.

If you missed the program, you can access it anytime by clicking on the link below.

Listen to internet radio with Jim Blue on Blog Talk Radio

What You Need to Know About Microsoft’s Window 8

Are you in the market for a new computer?  Should you be upgrading to Microsoft’s new Windows 8 operating system?

Microsoft has made a major commitment with its new operating system. The major shift in technology to mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets has resulted in a slowdown in the purchasing of traditional desktop computers.

Microsoft has finally decided to grab market share from leaders such as Apple, Google, and Amazon with the introduction of an operating system for both desktop and tablets.

Should Microsoft be part of your future? Click below and listen to Jim Blue and Carl Mazzanti, a Microsoft Partner of the Year, talk about what you need to know before making a decision.

If you want to discuss whether or not Windows 8 is right for you, do not hesitate to contact me directly at 917 921-4518 or by e-mail at

Listen to internet radio with Jim Blue on Blog Talk Radio