
All Posts Tagged Tag: ‘mobile technology’


Do you have the right tools to operate from home?  Does you technology support your needs? The equipment and services you need for business purposes are different than those used for personal use. Learn how to achieve maximum productivity.


Baby BoomersIf you were born between 1946-1964, you are part of the Baby Boomer generation. Your age bracket (47-65) represents 77.6 million of all Americans and is growing as an overall percentage of our population.

The weakened economy has forced many boomers to re-evaluate their financial situations, and in many cases, their careers.

It is not unusual that many Boomers are faced with one of more of the following situations.

  • They have recently left corporate life, either as a result of downsizing or by choice
  • They are starting a new business
  • They are re-entering the job market after retirement or merely to supplement the family income
  • They are looking to set up a cost efficient home office
  • They are confused by all the new technology that seems to appear on the market almost on a daily basis
  • They simply need to brush up on their basic computer skills

Chances are that if you are transitioning out of corporate life, there was always a technology support group available a phone call away.  On your own, finding the right resource to replace that support can be quite challenging.

As a former corporate executive, I understand your needs.  My clients include many boomers faced with similar concerns regarding their technology needs.  If you are facing any of the issues listed above, of have any other technology issues that you would like to discuss, give me a call at 917 921-4518 or e-mail me at


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Need to Access Your Files on the Road? Try Dropbox

Dropbox logoDropbox allows you to access your files from the road, from any computer and mobile device such as an I-Phone, I-Pad, or blackberry.  No need to run back home or to the office to retrieve documents.  Dropbox is the ultimate “cloud application” for the road warrior.  Works with both Windows and MAC based computers.

Here’s why you should be using Dropbox:

  • Up to 2GB of free storage.  $9.99/mo for 50GB, $19.99/mo for 100GB.
  • Sync any size and type of file, documents, pictures, videos, audios, etc.
  • Saves any changes when working on files in Dropbox.
  • Share files with friends and business associates.

I have set up folders in my Dropbox account the same way they are organized in my computer.  I never have to worry about getting a copy of my passport, driver’s license, medical claim forms, etc.  Writing a book?  Simply upload it into Dropbox and work on it from any computer or smartphone.

It’s a Mobile World! Are you prepared?

Internet access through mobile phones is expected to represent around 50% of total Internet usage by 2014. (Gartner)

Do you Own a Smartphone?

smartphonesBy definition, a smartphone is any mobile device that combines functions such as telephone, e-mail, Internet access, contact information, and calendar.

The three major suppliers of smartphones are Apple’s I-Phone, RIM’s Blackberry, and Google’s Android.

Here are the facts about the growth of the smartphone market.

  • The Earth’s population is app. 6.7 billion
  • There are 4.6 billion mobile phone subscribers worldwide. (U.N. Telecommunication Union)
  • in 2009, smartphones accounted for 172 million (14%) of all mobile phones sold, a 23% increase over 2008. (Gartner)
  • During Q2 2010, smartphones represented 62 million (19%) of mobile phones sold, an increase of over 50% on Q2 2009. (Gartner)
  • Estimated sales of smartphones are expected to reach 500 million in 2012. (Morgan Stanley Research)
  • Sales of smartphones are estimated to exceed those of PCs in 2012. (Gartner)
  • Global smartphone sales are expected to reach 2.5 billion during the 2010-2015 period and that Internet use via smartphones will increase 50 fold by the end of that period. (Coda Research Consultancy)
  • At the end of 2009, 97% of all Americans were using mobile phones. (Pew Research Center)
  • During Q2 2010, sales of smartphones accounted for 25% of the US mobile phone market.  By the end of 2011, the percentage of smartphone sales is expected to exceed 60%. (Nielson)

Will your current mobile phone permit you to be a player in the new Mobile World?  If you want to learn more about how to become a true “Road Warrior,” give me a call at 917 921-4518 or e-mail me at

Starting a new business? Have you thought about your technology needs?

Thinking about starting a new business? Have you recently left corporate life either by choice or the result of downsizing? If you have decided to start your own business, chances are that you have already spoken with an attorney, accountant and probably have a plan in place to finance your new venture. However, have you given any thought to a Technology Plan?  Will you be setting up a home office? As an entrepreneur, you no longer can call a support desk when something goes wrong. How about a backup and disaster strategy?

Technology is now the single most important tool you will need to support your business.  Along with a traditional business plan, here are some technology issues that you should address before you are too far along with your venture.

1. Where will your business be based? At home, business center, traditional office, etc.

2. Will you be spending most of your time in your office or on the road. Is international travel involved?

3. What type of computer(s) will be needed? What about printers, scanners, etc.?

4. How will you be accessing the Internet? If there are multiple computers, will you need a network?  Will you need to be wireless?

5. What software will you need?  Have you considered the Internet has a resource for functions such as e-mail, telephone, contact information, calendars, etc.

6. Have you thought about support and maintenance?  Although, there maybe someone on staff that is able to handle simple maintenance issues, you should consider using an outside resource to reduce the amount of system down time.  Outsourcing your technical support permits you and your employees to focus on your business.

It is possible to save thousands of dollars by addressing your technology needs in advance.


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