10 Apps That Are Changing Healthcare
You can now have a doctor’s appointment via video call, get a prescription filled through a mobile app, and even see a therapist virtually. These 10 apps and online services do all that and more.
The majority of the population now owns smartphones. In addition to being able to phone, text, get headline news, check the weather, look up a movie, etc., the focus is turning to healthcare and the ability to use your smartphone to look up medications, store your prescriptions and contact a doctor immediately.
These services are not cheap, however it is worth reading about some of the recommended apps by clicking here.
Are you blogging from your iPad?
We are living in a mobile world. The likelihood is that you are reading this blog from one of your mobile devices, either your mobile phone or your tablet. I am actually writing this blog on my iPad. When finished, I will upload it to my blog site on my iPad as well.
How is this possible? Well, I’am using an app called Blogsy, TIME Magazine wrote:
There’s no shortage of ways to update a blog, but Blogsy stands a cut above its competitors. The $5 app sports an easy-to-use interface for beginners and plenty of advanced options for power users, all while being compatible with several popular blogging platforms.
You can use blogsy on either your Apple’s IOS and Google’s Android devices. Blogsy supports the major platforms, WordPress, blogger TypePad, tumbler, etc.
To learn more about Blogsy, click here, or go to the App Store on your mobile device.
New American Express Cards
If you own an American Express card, you will receive a new card within the next few days with a new security feature, Chip technology, which adds an additional level of security to your Card transactions when used at chip-enabled terminals. According to American Express:
You may continue to use your existing Card until your new Card is received. However as a security measure, your current Card will be deactivated soon afterward. To avoid interruption to your spending, please activate your new Card immediately upon receipt and begin to use it for future purchases. *Please note: if you are currently or imminently traveling, rest assured you may continue to use your current Card until your return.
For your convenience, your account number will remain the same. There is no need to update your Card information with any merchants who automatically bill to your Card. Please note that your Card will have a new security code and expiration date that must be used where requested in future purchases.
To gain a greater understanding of chip technology, American Express has posted a Frequently Asked Questions site. Click Here to access the site.
Thought Your Mobile Calls Were Safe?
German researchers discover a flaw that could let anyone listen to your cell calls
As reported in today’s Washington Post, German researchers have discovered security flaws that could let hackers, spies and criminals listen to private phone calls and intercept text messages on a potentially massive scale – even when cellular networks are using the most advanced encryption now available.
The article reports the problem, but offers no solutions. Anyone have any ideas?
To read the full article, click on the link below.
All Cell Phone Carriers Are Not Created Equal
Confused by all the offers from the major cell phone providers (Verizon, AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile, etc.)?
There’s a price war going on between the major carriers. Although price is a consideration in selecting a carrier, saving a few dollars should not be the major factor when signing a contract. Having an unlimited or discounted data or phone plan is useless if your service is poor.
First, you must determine which provider offers the best service in your area. Are you frequently getting disconnected in the middle of a call? How is the voice quality of the calls?
Second, you should check the signal strength in all parts of your home or office. If you are a frequent traveler, how is the service on the road? How about your second home? If you are moving to a new location, check with your neighbors. Find out what works for them and which provider (s) have poor reception. I have a client who recently moved a few blocks away and found the provider she was using in her old apartment did not work in her new building. Another client found that her provider only worked in a few rooms in her new building.
There are a number of discounted service providers offering deep discounted rates. However, the majority of them are using one of the major providers listed above. If you elect to go that route, check out who they are using before signing up.
Don’t be tempted to sign up with a provider because of a great deal or a pretty new phone offer. The name of the game is quality of service.
IBM and Apple Make a Deal
Did you ever believe that IBM would be selling iPhones and iPads?
Ginni Rometty, IBM Chairman, President, and CEO, in a press release stated that “Our alliance will bring the same kind of transformation to the way people work, industries operate and companies perform.”
Apple CEO Tim Cook said in a statement. “This is a radical step for enterprise and something that only Apple and IBM can deliver.”
As part of the exclusive IBM MobileFirst for iOS deal, IBM will sell iPhones and iPads loaded with software for its business clients.
Click Here to read the full article
Can’t Connect to the Internet?
Do you get frustrated when you get a message indicating that you can’t get on the Internet?
During the course of a week, I receive many phone calls from my clients about this problem.
While I realize that you are on the Internet if you are reading this blog, there might be instances when you get an error message indicating that you are not able to connect to any sites. This can be caused by a service outage in your area, your house/apartment, a faulty modem or router, or your computer.
Here are some simple steps to follow if this happens:
– Turn off your computer.
– Disconnect the power cord from your modem. The modem is the box that has a cable attached. (no need to disconnect the cable). If you have a separate router, disconnect the power cord as well. The power cords are usually thin cords and slip out easily. All the lights on both units will go out.
– Reconnect the modem and wait until the lights stop blinking. (about one minute).
– Reconnect the router.
– Start up the computer and try to connect the the Internet.
If this process doesn’t work, call your service provider (e.g. Time Warner, Verizon, Comcast, etc.). The first thing they will do is try to connect to your modem. They have the ability to determine whether there is a service problem in your area or a defective modem. If the problem is the modem, they should send you a new one. If not, they will usually send a service representative to your house/home to correct the problem.
In most instances, simply disconnecting and reconnecting the modem and router will resolve the issue, however don’t hesitate to reach out to your service provider for help.


Do You Want Internet Access in the Subway?
AT&T pledges wireless in every NYC subway station
AT&T has agreed to provide wireless service to every underground subway station, making it the second carrier to make the commitment.
Currently, there is wireless service from every major carrier except Sprint in the initial 36 stations of the MTA’s plan to wire all 278 underground stations by 2017.
The second phase, which will be completed by the end of the summer, will increase the number of stations with wireless by 40, covering midtown Manhattan and Queens locations.
“The ability to make and receive phone calls underground is an important improvement for safety and security as well as convenience, and our customers will certainly appreciate it,” MTA chief Thomas Prendergast said in a statement.
To read the complete article Click Here
What do you think?
Having Trouble Finding A Good Doctor?
Choosing a doctor is one of the most important personal decisions we make. For many of us finding a doctor in our neighborhood and checking their credentials can be very frustrating and confusing. Vitals takes the guesswork out of the question “Which doctor is best for me?” Vitals has comprehensive information on doctors to help you make sense of your choices quickly and with confidence.
Recent statistics confirm that 4 out of 5 Americans use the Web to look for health information online. Half of those look up their providers through search engines, and about 40% use physician review websites.
Why are so many people using the web for information about physicians? Read Xavier E. Martinez’s interview with executives from Vitals at poweryourpractice.com
Click Here to take a tour of Vitals. Check on some of your existing doctors or search for some of the best doctors in your area.
Vitals is also available as an app for your smartphone, a handy tool when you are on the road.
Are You Confused By All The New Tablets In The Market?
As reported earlier, tablets are expected to outsell desktop and laptop computers in the 4th quarter of this year.
Sascha Segan in her review in PCMagazine of the tablet market writes that “The new Apple iPad mini With Retina display ($399 to $829) is just a shrunken iPad Air. It’s so similar to Apple’s flagship tablet that your decision will pretty much be completely based on size and price. Like the Air, this is one of the slimmest and best-built tablets you’ll find anywhere. It’s an absolute pleasure to use. But unlike the large-screen Air, the iPad mini has many viable small-tablet competitors that are much less expensive, making it less of a must-buy and more of a luxury purchase.”
Click below to read the full article.
PC Magazine’s comparison of tablets