
Monthly Archive for: ‘March, 2012’

Don’t like the iPhone and iPad Touch Screens? Try a Stylus

The stylus is back!! Remember the Palm Pilot, the first hand held device totally reliant on a thin stylus that slipped into a sleeve on the side of the unit?  Well, a newer, slightly thicker version has emerged.  With the popularly of the iPhone and the various tablets on the market, the new stylus has helped many of us who have had difficulty with the touch screens.  In addition, the new stylus, with a felt tip, permits people who would like to use one of the apps like noteability for handwriting and drawing directly onto the tablet.

For those of us with chubby fingers or difficulty with on screen keyboards relief is finally here.  I also find that writing notes on my iPad a plus.  As for the iPhone, using the stylus for typing has substantially reduced the amount of time it takes me to write an e-mail.

As indicated in past blogs, not all gadgets are meant for everyone.  While many people are comfortable with on screen keyboards, the stylus is a useful tool.

If you have any questions about the stylus, iPhones, iPads, etc., do not hesitate to contact me at 917 921-4518 or by e-mail at Feel free to click here to receive my free white paper on Technology Tips on setting up a home office and becoming a true road warrior.


The big news in the tech world this past week has been the launch of the “New” iPad. This third generation iPad has received a great deal of press both before and after the launch.

The first question you must ask yourself is whether or not a tablet is for you. The iPad is still the number one ranked and best selling tablet. If you already own one, then you must evaluate the merits of upgrading to the “latest and greatest.”  For those of you who have never owned one, the major issue is to determine whether a tablet will address your technology needs, whether for personal or professional purposes.

As indicated in previous posts, the tablet has proven to be an ideal substitute to the much heavier laptop computer for the road warrior. Tablets are excellent for communication (email, messaging, skype, etc) and getting information (news, weather, restaurants, movies, games, etc).  For those of you that do a lot of writing, there are many keyboards on the market that make typing much easier than the touch pad. However, despite publicity to the contrary, it does not replace a computer since there are many functions that require a computer.

During the past few months, I have introduced the iPad to several clients who have never used a computer.  Tablets have proven to be the ideal solution to techno-phobics who had previously been reluctant to embrace technology.   The larger screen and easy access to “apps” has changed their world.

If you have been considering your first tablet purchase, take some time to sit down and write down your technology needs. There are many options to choose from, the iPad, Nook, Kindle, etc.

As for those of you considering an upgrade, the new iPad offers a faster processor, high resolution screen, 4G wireless service, and a far better camera than the earlier models.

However, like many new products, there are several issues that have surfaced that must be considered before you decide to upgrade.

The iPad offers two ways of accessing the Internet. The popular choice is the faster wireless 4G network, at this time provided by both Verizon and AT&T. The monthly charge for this service is based on the amount of data used. The other, and free method, is any wi-fi network, such as set up in your home, hotels, some airports and coffee shops (Starbucks). Try steaming movies through the 4G wireless network and you will find that your data costs will skyrocket. An article in today’s Wall Street Journal,, offers a full explanation of what to expect if you use the 4G wireless network and the costs associated with it.

Other reports indicate the new iPad might have a overheating issue, which Apple is looking into.

If you need help determining whether the new iPad is for you as a new purchase or whether you should consider the upgrade, do not hesitate to contact me at 917 921-4518 or by e-mail at Feel free to click here to receive my free white paper on Technology Tips on setting up a home office and becoming a true road warrior.


On the front page of Friday’s Wall Street Journal,, AT&T announced their latest attempt to control their costs for providing broadband services.  They are planning to reduce the speed of your data service on your mobile device once you have surpassed your monthly purchased data limit.

With the growing popularity of mobile devices (smartphones such as the iPhone and the Android) as well as the iPad, the appetite for broadband services has surged.  Last year, over 50% of all cell phone purchases were smartphones, whether new users or upgrades.

Most consumers don’t understand their data plans.   Cell providers (AT&T, Verizon, etc.) offer “tiered data plans” based on data usage.  What this means is that it is important to know your data usage and determine which plan is right for you.  This information is available by simply contacting your provider. Streaming video from sites like Netflix will use up a lot of your data allotment.

The problem with this program is that, as their customer, you are being penalized for their inability to keep up with the demand for broadband services.  Why not make sure their customers understand their data plans and make sure that they are subscribing to a program based on their usage?  This is done for your calling plans without the risk of diminishing service once you have surpassed your purchased minutes.

Let’s hope that their competitors don’t follow this strategy.  I called my provider, found out my average monthly usage and purchased a plan that was right for me.  I suggest you do the same.

If you need help understanding your data plan, do not hesitate to contact me at 917 921-4518 or by e-mail at Feel free to click here to receive my free white paper on Technology Tips on setting up a home office and becoming a true road warrior.