
Monthly Archive for: ‘September, 2011’


One of the most important contributions of the Internet has been the ability of people to maintain lines of communication with family, friends and business associates around the world.  While e-mail, Facebook and other social media tools have brought people together, the ability to have  face-to-face contact regardless of location is the consummate means of communication.

Here are some of the reasons why Skype has become an indispensable program to people that, in many instances, are still “technology challenged.”

1.  For parents and grandparents – The ability to keep in touch with college students.  In many instances, they may be across the country or abroad.  Face to face contact is assuring to both students and family members.  Meeting roommates and friends is a favorite activity.

2.  Senior Citizens – Being able to video chat with family and friends that may not be close by.  This is most effective for seniors that are unable meet personally due to illness, inclement weather or geographic limitations.

3.  Business People – Great way to communicate with customers, clients and other business associates.  The ability to reduce travel expenses.

4.  Travelers – Whether for personal or business purposes, the ability to communicate with your home of business from anywhere in the world where you have an Internet connection.

5.  Job Seekers – The ability to communicate face-to-face with recruiters regardless of geographic location.

6.  Students and Residents from Abroad – Keeping in touch with family and friends in overseas locations.

7.  Group Chat – Permits people in different locations to participate in the communication.

8.  Tech Support – Problems with any of your technology?  Have a face-to-face conversation with your tech support team and be able to visually demonstrate some of your issues.

9.  The Skype program can be downloaded to Window and MAC computers as well as blackberries, iPhones and Android  smartphones with built-in wi-fi.

10.  And most importantly, Skype to Skype calls whether it be between computers or smartphones with wi-fi Internet connections are FREE!!

If you have any questions about Skype or any other technology issues, please do not hesitate to contact me at 917 921-4518 or by e-mail at


How often do you change your passwords?

password_iconMore than likely, you are using a number of different passwords to access your e-mail account, bank accounts, financial institutions as well as sites like Amazon, ebay, etc.  The security of your sites is predicated on the strength of your passwords as well as your ability to keep them private.  Here are some simple rules to follow:

1.  All passwords should be changed at least every 6 months

2.  Never use names of family members, birthdays, anniversaries, or any other easily “guessed” passwords.

3.  Do not use the same password for all your sites

4.  While it is critical not to divulge any personal information requested in an e-mail (including your bank), it is especially important not to give out password information and respond to requests to change passwords.

5.  When creating a password, it is best to use a combination of numbers, letters and symbols.  Again, do not use the same password for all your accounts.

6.  Do not list your passwords on a document that is stored in your computer or smartphone.  Your files in your computer can easily be accessed by anyone using your computer, particularly if it is part of a network.

7.  And finally, be careful whom you share password information with.

If you have any questions about passwords or any other technology issue, you can contact me at 917 921-4518 or by email at


The world of technology changes constantly.  Quite a bit has happened during the past few months, and now that the summer is over, here are some important things to consider to make sure your technology supports your needs:

1.  When’s the last time your computer had a checkup?  Is it running slowly?  Is your anti-virus program up to date?

2.  Are you considering an upgrade?  Are you undecided on what type of computer to purchase – Windows or MAC?  Should you be considering a tablet (iPad, etc.)?

3.  Is your cell phone eligible for an upgrade?  Do you have a smartphone (blackberry, iphone, android) for the road?  Are you sure you are using the best provider (Verizon, AT&T, Sprint, etc.) for your needs?

If you have any questions about these or any other technology issues, you can contact me at 917 921-4518 or by e-mail at

If you have not already done so, you may download a copy of my FREE white paper on technology tips for setting up a home office and operating in the mobile world by clicking HERE or by going to my website at