
Monthly Archive for: ‘July, 2010’

10 reasons why you should back up the data in your computer

Your documents, pictures, music, videos, etc, that are stored in your computer are important to you. Do you have a backup system? Here are some reasons you should be backing up your data.

Computer Crash1. What if your computer crashes and you can’t start it.
2. Your home/office burns down
3. Your computer has been stolen
4. You left the computer in a restaurant, hotel, etc.
5. Coffee, soda or other liquid has been spilled on the keyboard of your laptop
6. The computer has been dropped
7. A virus has wiped out the hard drive
8. Malware, short for malicious software, has permitted someone to infiltrate your computer system without your consent
9. You have inadvertently erased an important file.
10. Someone else who uses your computer has deleted files

The list goes on. Before disaster strikes, make sure you are backing up ALL your important data onto an external hard drive and explore many of the online backup options that are available.

If you have any questions about what method of backup is best for you, do not hesitate to contact me.

Are You Part of the Communication Revolution?

facebook logoThe latest research estimates the number of Facebook users globally is approaching 500 billion. Facebook is adding 5% new users per month. Over 20% of the world population with online access have Facebook accounts.

In the United States alone, the number of Facebook users now exceeds 125 million, more than double over last year. That’s more than 35% of the population and 75% of people with online access. Believe it or not, 40% of users are over 35 years old and the biggest increase in users is 55 and older.

linkedin logoLinkedIn members total nearly 70 million. ComScore estimates that Twitter is now attracting 190 million visitors per month and generating 65 million Tweets a day.

Why the explosive growth? First of all, nearly everyone is turning to the web to research products and services. The Web has become both a time and money saver. Most importantly, however, is that Social Media sites such as Facebook, Linkedin and Twitter have brought the world together. The world of Social Media has changed how people communicate and interact, how governments talk to people, and transcend geographic borders. Facebook, in particular, permits you to reconnect with people from the past, both personal and professional. It has been the most effective tool in communicating with family members and business associates and sharing photos.

twitter logoFor businesses, Social Media permits companies to reach millions of customers without expensive marketing campaigns. However, establishing an effective and attractive Web presence involves outstanding content that will draw customers to your website. Communicating your message requires effective use of Social Media sites such as Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, YouTube, etc. A single click can spread your message to hundreds of thousands, and even millions instantly.

youtube logoTo gain a better understanding of how you can become part of the Communication Revolution, call 917-921-4518 or e-mail In addition, I invite you to listen to my podcast, Social Media, which is listed on the right.