
All Posts Tagged Tag: ‘Microsoft’

What You Need To Know About Windows 10

Microsoft’s new operating system, Windows 10 is finally here! What’s all the noise about and what do you need to know.

Below are some of important points you should be aware of:

– Windows 10 is available starting July 29th.

– The new operating system will be offered as a free upgrade for Windows 7 and Windows 8 users (for the first year). After that time, you will be able to keep using it for free. Starting next year, Windows 10 will be $120 for the Home version and $200 for the Pro version.

– While I definitely believe that you should upgrade (particularly if you are unhappy with Windows 8), I would wait awhile, since all new operating systems experience growing pains, and it’s important that Microsoft fixes any unexpected bugs in the system.

– There are a number of new features that you will like. First, Edge is a new browser, basically replacing Internet Explorer. The other is Cortana, Microsoft’s answer to Siri and Google Now. Several sources report that it still needs some work, but its worth taking a look at.

The online site, egadget offers some advice on how to upgrade. Click Here to read the complete article.

On my recent BlogTalkRadio program, Carl Mazzanti,  CEO of e-Mazzanti Technologies (Microsoft New York Metro Partner of the Year in 2015) and I discussed these and other important things you should know about Windows 10.

 Click here or on the logo below to hear the complete broadcast.
  BlogTalk Radio

Mobile Device War Heats Up

Microsoft has started to reduce the price of its Surface RT tablet. Read about it in the Wall Street Journal

BlackBerry Z10 prices drop to $49.  A disappointing decision just 4 months after its launch according to the Wall Street Journal

Sales of mobile devices continue to soar, with sales of tablets now exceeding those of personal computers.

The stakes are high as more hardware suppliers are rushing to catch up with the demand.

Are these failures indicative of poor planning or the high price points?

What do you think?


Is Microsoft’s Windows 8 for You?

The popularity of tablets, such as Apple’s iPad, has had a significant impact on the sales of personal computers. However, despite the surge in tablet sales, businesses still and will continue to rely on basic computers.

While I own a number of Apple products such as an iMac, iPhone, and iPad, I rely on a Windows based machine for my business. Several weeks ago, I bought a new computer with the new Windows 8 operating system, and after a period of getting used to the changes, have found its performance to be a significant upgrade over their previous operating systems.

Microsoft has finally addressed the need for greater integration with mobile devices.The introduction of their Suface tablet will surely have an impact during the coming months as many manufactures will be introducing tablets with the new Microsoft operating system.

Is Windows 8 for you?. As I have stated it the past, it depends on your specific needs.

This past week, my guest on my BlogTalkRadio program, “Keeping Technology Simple,” was Carl Mazzanti, the CEO of e-Mazzanti Technologies, and a Microsoft Partner of the Year in 2012. His company is one of the premier IT consulting services for businesses ranging from home office and retail clients to multinational corporations throughout the New York metropolitan area and numerous international locations. On the program, Carl discussed the importance of the launch of Windows 8, particularly to his corporate clients, and the impact it will have in the coming months.

Carl first appeared on the program shortly after the launch of Windows 8, and the number of people that have been listening to the podcast continues to grow each week. The reaction to last week’s program has also been extraordinary.

If you missed the program, you can access it anytime by clicking on the link below.

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