
All Posts Tagged Tag: ‘Baby Boomers’

Tablets Are Expected to Outsell PCs in 4th Qtr 2013

Have you bought your first tablet yet?  Hard to believe that the forecast is that more tablets will be sold during the holiday season than desktop and laptop computers.

Whether you are a Windows or Apple person, change is in the air.

To read the full article in the Digits Section of the Wall Street Journal, click below.

In First, Tablets Are Expected to Outsell PCs – Digits – WSJ.

The Mobile World is Now – Are You Prepared?

Over 700 million smartphones (Apple’s iPhone, Google’s Android, RIM’s Blackberry, etc.) were shipped globally in 2012, according to Strategy Analytics. In an article in yesterday’s Wall Street Journal,  major companies, such as  Facebook, Google, Apple, and Amazon are all competing for a share of the global market. If you already own a smartphone or tablet (Apple’s iPad, Samsung’s Galaxy, Microsoft’s Surface, etc.), you are probably familiar with the world of apps, which is an abbreviation for application, a piece of software which is run on your phone and tablet.

How important is it for you to be a true “road warrior?”  Well, the same article reveals that sales of smartphones were nearly double that of the traditional PC last year. Within the next two years, more people will be accessing the Internet through a mobile device than a computer.

If you find you are on the wrong side of the “Great Digital Divide,” and want to learn all about the mobile world, my e-book (pictured below) contains many useful tips. You can order it directly from Amazon by clicking on the image below.



Why Boomers and Seniors are Embracing Technology

Book-Cover-for-Boomersweb1Contrary to common belief, Baby Boomers, born between 1946-1964, as well as seniors are embracing technology.  As a technology adviser and trainer, the one expression I hear more than any other is “Technology helps me live a fuller life.”  As long as it is kept simple, they are always looking for technology to help them discover new ways to enhance their lives.  Below is a list of some of their favorite pastimes.

1.  Video conferencing – Whether it’s Skype or I-Chat (on Macs), keeping up with parents, children and grandchildren has been the biggest incentive for elders to embrace technology.  Weekly video visits has strengthened ties between generations.  How about some of your friends in different continents?  And for FREE!

2.  Sharing photos and videos – Can’t attend a graduation, wedding, or birth of a new grandchild?  These precious memories can be sent to you as the event is occurring.

3.  Want to contact someone who is not available by phone?  Text messages are received instantaneously.  All you need is your cell phone.

4.   Social networking sites have permitted boomers and seniors to reconnect with long lost acquaintances.  Signing up for Facebook will insure that you will be up to date with your grandchildrens’ activities and see the latest pictures.

5.  Eyesight failing?  Electronic reading devices (kindles, iPads, etc,) will let you enlarge print and to listen to the audio of your favorite books, magazines, and newspapers.

6.  Want to watch Charlie Rose anytime?  Visit his website for past shows.

7.  Looking for a new job or volunteer work?  Instead of wading through the classified, try searching online.

8.  Widows and widowers are flocking to online dating services.  Gone are the days when the only way you could meet someone was at a bar, social function, or through an introduction.

9.  No need to stand on line at the bank.  Elders prefer online banking to pay bills and check balances.

10. Tracking your portfolio – No need to call your broker. All your financial information is available online.

The list is endless.  However, whether it is researching exotic travel locations, looking to buy a new car, checking movie reviews and times, seniors and boomers have more spending power than any other generation and are more than willing to spend it on new technology as long as it is simple, requiring little maintenance.

Click below to listen to my BlogTalkRadio program on What Boomers and Seniors Need to Know.

Listen to internet radio with Jim Blue on Blog Talk Radio

Need Help Selecting the Right Techie Gift?

                                           Confused by all the choices?

Kindles, Nooks, iPads, iPhones, Androids, digital cameras, etc. The list is endless. You want to make sure you select the right gift for your friends, family and business associates.

Before you walk into one of the many retailers offering “deals” on the latest and greatest new techie gadgets, consider the following:

Not all people are created equal. While many of us love gadgets, giving your parent or child an ipad might be something they will never be able to use.  Make sure your gift is in line with their technology acumen.

Most items listed above vary in price based on their specifications.  Make sure you understand the differences between basic and advanced features.

Gift certificates for books for the Kindle and music for the iPhone are just two examples.

For family or friends whom you feel might be confused by all the new technology or need to brush on their technology skills, you should consider giving them a copy of my e-book, which can be ordered and read on both a Kindle and an iPad, directly from Amazon by clicking here.

How about a gift of a few hours of computer lessons?

If you want to make sure your gifts are received with a “Wow” instead of a confused look, give me a call at 917 921-4518 or e-mail me at I can help you make the right choices.



Listen to internet radio with Jim Blue on Blog Talk Radio


As a parent, do you have the basic computer skills to maintain contact with your college student? Does your technology support your efforts, and do you have the most cost efficient systems in place?

The following are some points that you should be thinking about before the move-in date:

– Will you need to upgrade either your equipment or services?

– How do you determine your child’s equipment needs while in college?

– Does the cell phone provider that you use at home (Verizon, AT&T, Sprint, etc.) have a strong network at your child’s school?

– What can you do to keep your communication costs down?

– What are the most cost efficient ways to stay in communication with your child in college?

– How do you keep in contact with your child who is studying abroad without incurring large telephone charges?

– Has your child’s school granted you online access to key school resources?

– Does your child know how to reach you 24/7?

The chances are that your child may be more up-to-date on the latest technology than you. It is important that you discuss a strategy to communicate in a cost efficient manner.  If your child is studying thousands of miles away, or perhaps in any country, you do not want to incur telephone charges that approach the cost of tuition!

Most universities no longer provide phones in their dorms.  The use of cell phones and other mobile technology tools has significantly enhanced our ability to maintain our relationships with our children in college.  Are you prepared?

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– Do you have the right equipment to support your business and personal needs?

– Confused by all the new gadgets being introduced almost on a daily basis?

– Do you know what type of smartphone (iPhone, Android, blackberry) is right for you?

– Do you understand the new data plans that have been introduced by your wireless service provider (Verizon, AT&T, Sprint, etc.)?

– Are you or someone you know going through career transition and need help determining their technology needs?

– Need to set up a home office?

These are just a few topics that I discuss on my weekly radio program.  While the shows are aired every Thursday at 4:30 PM, you can click on the link below to access the archives of all past programs at anytime.  The topics as well as the names of guest speakers are listed for each show.

If you have any questions about any of the topics discussed, please contact me at 917 921-4518 or by e-mail at for a FREE telephone consultation.  Feel free to visit my website, for more information about my services.

To hear the latest program, click on the play button (>) below. To access my program site and the archives, click on my name (Jim Blue).



“We don’t have a choice on whether we do social media, the question is how well we do it.” – Erik Qualman, author of Socialnomics: How Social Media Transforms the Way We Live and Do Business.

If you don’t believe the impact that social media has had on our lives, both personally and professionally, click on the link below and listen to this remarkable video. The statistics are several months old, however the message is loud and clear.

The most interesting statistic I found was the one indicating that 93% of marketers use social media for business – do you?

If you want to discuss what social media can do for you, whether on a personal or professional level, do not hesitate to contact me at 917 921-4518 or by e-mail at Feel free to click here to receive my free white paper on Technology Tips on setting up a home office and becoming a true road warrior.


7 Rules for using your iPad overseas

You’ve just purchased a brand new iPad.  Congratulations!! If you bought the model with the 4G data service from either Verizon or AT&T, here are some things you need to know about using your iPad when traveling out of the United States.

1.  The data service should be turned off before you leave. That means you must switch to Airplane mode.  When overseas, you are roaming which means the cost of using the a US based data plan is very high.

2.  If you want to access the Internet while traveling, use a wireless (wi-fi) connection which is usually FREE. Most hotels offer wi-fi, and while most places offer it for free, you might run into a situation where there might be either a daily or hourly rate.

3.  Most Internet cafes abroad offer Internet access by the hour.

4.  If you are unable to locate a place with wi-fi and need to use a data service, you can purchase a micro sim card to insert into your iPad.  These local data providers offer plans that are significantly cheaper than activating an International program from either Verizon or AT&T here in the United States.

5.  Most public wi-fi “hotspots,” whether hotels, airports, Internet cafes, etc. are not secured, meaning that anyone in the network can see what you are doing on your computer.  In other words, do not use a public unsecured “hot spot” to access bank accounts, use credit cards or any other private information. If you are staying at someone’s house who has wifi, ask whether their network is secured and for a password to access their network.  If no password is required, it is not a secured network.

6.  If you want to stream a video from Netflix, or use an online service such as Skype, make sure you are doing so from a w-fi connection.  Using your data service, whether from the U.S. or a local provider overseas, will use up your allowable data plan quickly.  For example, watch 2 Netflix movies with the 4G service will use up to 90% of your monthly allowance.

7.  Lock your iPad with a password.  If you are doing a great deal of traveling, it is not difficult to leave it somewhere or have it stolen.

If you have any questions about the iPad or any other technology issues, do not hesitate to contact me at 917 921-4518 or by e-mail at Feel free to click here to receive my free white paper on Technology Tips on setting up a home office and becoming a true road warrior.

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