
Category Archive for: ‘Blog Posts’

Child Off To College This Fall? What You Need to Know

As a parent, do you have the basic computer skills to maintain contact with your college student? Does your technology support your efforts, and do you have the most cost efficient systems in place?

The following are some points that you should be thinking about before the move-in date:

– Will you need to upgrade either your equipment or services?

– How do you determine your child’s equipment needs while in college?

– Does the cell phone provider that you use at home (Verizon, AT&T, Sprint, etc.) have a strong network at your child’s school?

– What can you do to keep your communication costs down?

– What are the most cost efficient ways to stay in communication with your child in college?

– How do you keep in contact with your child who is studying abroad without incurring large telephone charges?

– Has your child’s school granted you online access to key school resources?

– Does your child know how to reach you 24/7?

The chances are that your child may be more up-to-date on the latest technology than you. It is important that you discuss a strategy to communicate in a cost efficient manner.  If your child is studying thousands of miles away, or perhaps in any country, you do not want to incur telephone charges that approach the cost of tuition!

Most universities no longer provide phones in their dorms.  The use of cell phones and other mobile technology tools has significantly enhanced our ability to maintain our relationships with our children in college.  Are you prepared?

Below is a link to my recent radio program where I discussed this and many items that you need to know before loading the car and heading to campus.

BlogTalk Radio

If you have any further questions, I can be reached by phone at 917 921-4518 or by e-mail at

What You Need To Know About Windows 10

Microsoft’s new operating system, Windows 10 is finally here! What’s all the noise about and what do you need to know.

Below are some of important points you should be aware of:

– Windows 10 is available starting July 29th.

– The new operating system will be offered as a free upgrade for Windows 7 and Windows 8 users (for the first year). After that time, you will be able to keep using it for free. Starting next year, Windows 10 will be $120 for the Home version and $200 for the Pro version.

– While I definitely believe that you should upgrade (particularly if you are unhappy with Windows 8), I would wait awhile, since all new operating systems experience growing pains, and it’s important that Microsoft fixes any unexpected bugs in the system.

– There are a number of new features that you will like. First, Edge is a new browser, basically replacing Internet Explorer. The other is Cortana, Microsoft’s answer to Siri and Google Now. Several sources report that it still needs some work, but its worth taking a look at.

The online site, egadget offers some advice on how to upgrade. Click Here to read the complete article.

On my recent BlogTalkRadio program, Carl Mazzanti,  CEO of e-Mazzanti Technologies (Microsoft New York Metro Partner of the Year in 2015) and I discussed these and other important things you should know about Windows 10.

 Click here or on the logo below to hear the complete broadcast.
  BlogTalk Radio

Why Seniors Love Facebook

Facebook_logo(2)According to Facebook, seniors are the fastest growing segment of the population joining their social networking site.  Pew Internet Research reports that 27% of seniors now use social media. One of the major areas that seniors are interested in when I hold a workshop is how to use Facebook.


Why the popularity of Facebook among seniors?

– More and more seniors are choosing to live alone. Facebook offers the ability to socialize with family and friends without leaving their home.

– Social networking sites, particularly Facebook, offer new opportunities to stay in touch and search for friends and past business associates.

– Families are more spread out than in the past. Facebook offers seniors the opportunity to keep in touch with family members and friends anywhere in the world.

– Family members love to share photos. Many seniors access Facebook everyday to keep up-to-date with family events, particularly through new photos and videos.

– Facebook offers the opportunity to play games with family and friends.

For those of you who have not yet set up a Facebook account, my suggestion is to find a family member or close friend who can get you started. Here are some important ways they can help.

– Create an informative About Page which includes information about you. This should include your education and employment history. Having a good picture will help people recognize you.

– Learn how to search for friends and family members.

– Understand some of the safety rules regarding accepting and requesting friends.

– Have someone set up the appropriate privacy settings for you.

– It’s OK to post the month and day of your birthday but leave out the year.







Why You Should Have a Second Phone Number and E-Mail Address

smartphone pictureDo you have only one phone number and e-mail address for your personal, professional, purchasing, and mobile use. It’s not unusual for people today to only have one phone: a mobile phone that often functions as their work, home phone and mobile number.

A new mobile app called Shuffle has launched a simple utility that lets you create additional, disposable phone numbers you can use to call or text as well as receive voicemail through, right from your iPhone. There are a number of other apps available, but Shuffle allows you to create email aliases that forward mail to your main inbox.

According to Shuffle’s founder Craig Collett “Individuals have the need to protect their personal privacy and keep different business and social aspects of their life separated.”

While I have advised many of my clients to have separate e-mail addresses for personal and professional use, having a separate phone number only for registration and purchasing purposes will keep your primary phone number more private.

To read more, CLICK HERE


Location, Location, Location

Selecting the right location for your home office is critical.  Chances are that you already use a computer at home and have set up an area for the computer, printer, etc.  However, using a computer for personal use is substantially different from using it for business purposes.  A business office requires a private environment, with no traffic and noise.  While I realize that many of you have space limitations, particularly those of us that live in an apartment, you need to avoid an area that is a walk through, has a dishwasher running and other diversions.  Pick a bedroom, if necessary, and close the door while you are working.

Once you have decided on a location, be sure that you have Internet access.  Most of you probably have a wireless network at home.  If this is the case, there is no limit on how many computers can access the Internet through the network.  You don’t need a separate account with an additional modem and router. The main issue is whether you can obtain a strong signal in your designated work area.  The range of a wireless network is several hundred feet.  However, thick walls and floors such as those that exist in prewar (World War 2) structures will encounter “dead areas.”  If this is the case, boosters can be installed to carry the signal to your office area.

Now that you have selected a nice quiet, remote area to work, desk location needs to be addressed.  You don’t want to face a window or have it in back of you.  The glare from the outside will make it very difficult to see the monitor.  Although it would be nice to be able to view the park and the birds, make sure you are either facing a wall or have it behind you. Do not take this advice lightly!! An acquaintance of mine told me that she had her desk in front of a window with a marvelous view for years. Now her eyesight has deteriorated.  Make sure you avoid excessive light and glare.


Have you created a Technology Plan?

  1. Take an inventory of your existing equipment at home and determine what is usable and what needs to be replaced.
  2. If you currently share a computer with other members of your household, consider buying one for yourself.
  3. Find a place in your home to work without background noise and traffic.
  4. If you don’t have wireless Internet access at home, have one set up so multiple computers have Internet access simultaneously.  Make sure your wireless network is strong in your work area and secured with a password.
  5. If you only have one e-mail address, set up another for business purposes only.
  6. Consider purchasing an all-in-one printer, scanner, copier, fax machine if you don’t already have one.  If it is wireless, there is no need for more than one printer.
  7. Don’t bother adding another telephone line at home for business purposes.  Use your cell phone.
  8. Since you no longer have a corporate support line to call, find a reliable tech support person and set up a maintenance program for your equipment.
  9. Since recent surveys indicate that 3 out of 5 people find that they spend more time working outside their office, consider upgrading to a smartphone (blackberry, iphone, or android) which will give you access to your e-mail and the Internet on the road.



Looking to start a new business?  Are you in the job market?

Job searchChances are that if you previously worked for a company and had an assistant, many tasks were delegated and support was just a phone call away.  Whether you are starting a new venture or looking for employment, your success will depend on your basic computer skills and having a technology plan that supports your efforts.

The majority of Baby Boomers did not start their professional careers in the digital world.  The way we communicate and acquire information has changed dramatically.  Social networks such as LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter are now part of our personal and business lives.  Cell phones have made us more mobile and reachable everywhere.  Everyone uses Google to find people, places and things.

Set some time aside and take an inventory of your basic technology skills.  Are you able to retrieve and save e-mail attachments, search through past e-mails?  Are you able to type and format documents?  Are you able to locate your documents?  Are you able to make educated decisions about your equipment?  Do you know how to use a smartphone?  The list is endless.

Individuals and companies that have not embraced technology will find it very difficult to compete in today’s global and wired world.

How to connect an iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch to your TV

Digital AV AdapterI have dozens of home made video and audio files filed in my Dropbox app in the cloud. From my various iDevices (iPad and iPhone), I am able to view them on my large screen TV.  Since I do not have Apple TV, I am using a simple lightening Digital AV Adapter from Apple for the setup.  One end plugs into your iDevice, while the other attaches to an HDMI cable, and finally, into your TV (or receiver).  If you do not have one of the latest iPads and iPhones, the answer is Apple’s 30-pin digital A/V adapter,

Of course, for those of you that own an Apple TV, all you need to do if connect your iPhone or iPad to the same Wi-Fi network as your Apple TV.

To read more information, CLICK HERE


An App for Everything!!

In today’s Wall Street Journal, Geoffrey Fowler writes that “There’s an Uber for everything now. Washio is for having someone do your laundry, Sprig and SpoonRocket cook your dinner and Shyp will mail things out so you don’t have to brave the post office. Zeel delivers a massage therapist (complete with table). Heal sends a doctor on a house call, while Saucey will rush over alcohol. And by Jeeves, cutesy names are part of the schtick—Dufl will pack your suitcase and Eaze will reup a medical marijuana supply.”

While I have not yet found an app for most of my everyday chores, I do rely on my iPhone for a car service (Uber and Via), Starbucks, breaking news, weather, and of course, sports.

Fowler reports that “Life sure is easy when you let your apps do the walking, but I learned they’re not only for the lazy. Most provided great service and, to my surprise, some have ingenious new business models that actually saved me money. It’s just not clear how many will make sense outside dot-com Camelots like San Francisco—or even still be in business in a year.”

As I have stressed to my clients, it is important to document your needs and interests. I meet with many people in the course of a day and recommend different equipment (smartphones, tablets, laptops) and services based on their individual interests.

To read the complete article, CLICK HERE

What is the Future of the Internet?

In a recent article in the Wall Street Journal, Tony Fadell wrote about the future of the Internet in an article titled “All Around Us, Nothing but Net.”  Below are some of his observations:

“In many ways, the Internet of the future will feel different from the Internet we know today. Instead of seeking it out, we’ll be surrounded by it. And instead of extracting data from it, we’ll be fed a constant stream of curated, personalized information to help us solve problems and live better—and live better together”

“Tomorrow’s Internet will be everywhere and in everything. It will draw on massive amounts of data to augment our own intelligence. And it will help us make better decisions—from avoiding dangerous drug interactions to diagnosing illnesses to deciding when water skiing might not be the best idea”

“It took the telephone more than 45 years to earn a place in the majority of American homes. The Internet did it almost three times as fast”

“If there’s one thing we know for sure, it’s that the Internet of the future will be everywhere—and the more people who have it, the more important it will become”

Very interesting. To read the entire article click here


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